President’s Message


We’ve already experienced summer! At least it seems that way to me. The air is dry, we’re waiting for rain to grace our area, but we’re grateful not to endure the deluge that swept through Southern Florida. I’m trying to make it to the church midweek to water the thirsty, wilting plants.

Back up north, in New England, we’d celebrate and welcome dry sunny days, rarely burdened by a dry spell. Yet, Mother Nature always ruled with her surprises.

I used to laugh about life amidst the heat, hopping from an air-conditioned house to an air-conditioned car, then to an air-conditioned shop, and back again. That was when I played the Snowbird role. But the heat is real, and air conditioning has become an increasingly essential luxury here in the South.

I often post to my daughter in Connecticut about how nice it is to sit in the shade at 85°F, thinking it’s cool and pleasant, whereas such a temperature would roast her. She’ll respond and call me crazy.

As we replay our videos from other years of our hot Florida life, let’s remember: even in paradise, the rain falls, summer ends, and the cool, pleasant fall and winter come.

So, stay cool, stay safe, and live smart through the summer ahead.

Isn’t it Cool that the best place to avoid the heat on Sunday is at NCUU? Chas

Till we meet again…. Chas