
New Member Ceremony

Roland Fortin, Henry Roy, Fred Forsemen, and Sheila McGuire

Sunday Service Committee

If you would like to give feedback on any or all our speakers, please click the link and do so at any time. The Sunday Service Com. appreciates your input.

Speaker Feedback Form


NCUU Calendar

Please send additions, deletions, updates, and edits to Gordon Hart, [email protected], so that he may keep the calendar updated on our website,

Announcement E-mail Address

Our email address for announcements: [email protected].

Social Activies Committee


Activities held at the Fellowship

• FRIDAY, OCT. 25TH – Potluck Costume Party & Movie
• FRIDAY, NOV. 22nd – Coffee House with Desserts
• THURSDAY, NOV. 28th – Potluck Thanksgiving
• TUESDAY, DEC. 24th – Potluck Christmas Eve & Games
• TUESDAY, DEC. 31st – New Years Eve Drum Circle
• FRIDAY, JAN. 24th – Potluck Coffee House
• FRIDAY, FEB. 28th – Potluck Coffee House
• FRIDAY, MAR. 28th – Potluck Coffee House
• SUNDAY, APR. 20th – Potluck Easter

Activities held at Different Locations

• DTA – Play: Murder on the Orient Express
• WEDNESDAY, Mar. 19th – Sunset Cruise & Dinner
• SUNDAY, May 11th – Anderson – Mother’s Day Pool Party
• SUNDAY, June 15th – Father’s Day ??
• DTA – Go to a performance of the Citrus County Chorus
• DTA – Trip to Ocala for the Labyrinth at Sholom Park
• SECOND SUNDAY – Drum Circle at Wallace Brooks Park

Bonnie Anderson

Membership Committee

Membership has a new program called “I Can Help” to offer rides too those congregants in need of transportation to doctor’s appointments, etc. Volunteers can sign up for various Citrus or Marion County neighborhoods.

Jeanne Wright and Connie Hart, Co-chairs, Membership

Social Justice

The Social Justice Committee will meet on Thursday, October 10, at 3 p.m., in person, at the Fellowship. We will discuss potential activities in connection with the upcoming election, and other issues. Anyone interested is invited to attend.

October Share the Plate

NCUU will continue to send Share the Plate donations to Citrus County Blessings in October. Their goal is to help children get enough food to develop healthy bodies and pay attention in school and beyond. Almost 17% of Citrus County residents are considered below the poverty level, nearly 25% of children are living in poverty. A staggering 71% of children enrolled in Citrus County’s public schools participate in the Free/Reduced lunch program. The Blessings program provides over 2600 local students in 31 schools with food to take home every Friday of the school year. The students are also given additional food to take home over the school breaks. Each child is recommended by a school employee.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2024, 7:00PM.

Learn all about “Lu, the Hippo”, who resides at the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park from our guest speaker, Vicky Iozzia, retired school teacher and 20 plus year volunteer at the Wildlife State Park, at the Wildlife Club meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at the Nature Coast Unitarian Universalists (NCUU) fellowship hall at 7633 N. Florida Ave. (RT-41), Citrus Springs, FL 34434

The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for many free wildlife handouts and information. Light refreshments available, a door prize and a 50/50 drawing will be held to benefit the NCUU. Wildlife Club meetings are always free and all are welcome.

Our motto is “They Were Here First”.

For more information contact: Brenda L. Roberts – President and Founder of the Wildlife Club at 352-746-2384 or [email protected]


October 22, 2024 -.Hippos by Vicky Iozzia, Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, “Lu” history

November 2024 – (NO MEETING – Happy Thanksgiving)

December 2023 – (NO Meeting – Happy Holidays!)

January 28, 2025 –Alligators by Maxine Hunter, Natural Resources Agent, UF/FAS Ext

February 25, 2025 – (TBA)

Grounds Committee

Chas invites you to come rake, weed, mulch, prune, plant and help beautiful the church grounds. First Fridays of the month, starting March 1st, 10 AM – 12 noon.

Wildhart Photography

The photographs on the walls of the sanctuary can be purchased with 50% of the purchase price going to NCUU.

Talk to Gordon Hart if interested.

Please check out for more of Gordon’s photographs.

The same deal will be honored if someone from the congregation wants to order a photo from the website.

Website Section for Members Only

Are you a member who has a business or service? If you would like to share the information about your business or service to the Members Only section of the website, please write what you would like and let Connie or Amy know. Amy will add it.

– Connie Hart

Newsletter Deadline

Please Remember That The Deadline For Next Newsletter Is
Oct. 23, 2024

Please Adhere To This Deadline; Otherwise, your material won’t be included in the newsletter.

All request entries should be sent to the email address [email protected]. That will make it easier to keep all requests organized in one place. I have been getting emails sent to several of my email accounts, and it makes it very difficult to organize the items to will be in the monthly issues. I can only guarantee that it will be in the issue, if it’s sent to this email address. Please send the proofread text and photo attachments. In addition, please keep your text to a maximum of three short paragraphs. If it is longer, we will edit to shorten the announcement.