
Sunday Service Committee

If you would like to give feedback on any or all our speakers, please click the link and do so at any time. The Sunday Service Com. appreciates your input.

Speaker Feedback Form


NCUU Calendar

Please send additions, deletions, updates, and edits to Gordon Hart, [email protected], so that he may keep the calendar updated on our website,

Announcement E-mail Address

Our email address for announcements: [email protected].

Social Activities Committee Report

Come and enjoy the 4th of July and Art and Ted’s home. The party will start at 2:00 p.m. Art and Ted will be cooking hot dogs and hamburgers. The rest of us will bring a potluck dish. Sign up sheet will be in the lobby.

Every month don’t forget to also sign up for the last Friday of the month Coffee House/Potluck dinner. Tell a joke, sing a song, do a dance, act out a skit, read poetry, do a puppet show! The mic is open for anything!!

A big thank you goes out to Roland for surprising us with delicious baked treats!!!

Membership Committee

Membership has a new program called “I Can Help” to offer rides too those congregants in need of transportation to doctor’s appointments, etc. Volunteers can sign up for various Citrus or Marion County neighborhoods.

Jeanne Wright and Connie Hart, Co-chairs, Membership

July Share the Plate

Share the Plate donations in July will be sent to the Equality Florida Institute. The organization educates on civil rights and fights discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It is the educational arm of Equality Florida, Florida’s largest civil rights group. Program areas include education for safe and healthy schools, lifesaving best practices for lgbtq+ youth, and modernization in HIV education and advocacy working with elected officials. They also helped pass a reproductive rights resolution in Ft Lauderdale.

BoD & Committee Quick Notes

The NCUU campus continues to flourish despite the drought and benefitting from our
revived well.

● Approval of expenditure for tree clearing our parking light power line, low branches and
removal of old piles of debris.
● Approval to hire an architect to plan and design the patio enclosure.
● A Benevolence Fund is being considered.
● Membership has plans for a new member orientation class.
● Social activities are seeing more life, food and fun! Coffee House anyone?
● Some new bulletin boards for news and events are up.
● Our invigorated Facebook page is getting loads of attention and “likes”.
● Windows need attention. Work-Day volunteers needed!
● And someone mentioned a Senior, Co-ed, Slow pitch Softball game!

Words from Sheila Woods

Mark, my spouse, had a stroke and then repeated strokes, he became worse and worse. I did not have a Durable Power document signed by Mark, before he became mentally unable to sign, giving me the legal authority to make decisions on his behalf. I had to go through the courts to apply for Guardianship. The Guardianship process is a painful, humiliating to the loved one, adversarial, and expensive legal court procedure. I needed Guardianship document to do what I would have done naturally for Mark’s care. I had no choice because Mark and I had not gone to a competent elder law attorney and gotten essential legal documents. It does not matter how long you and or your spouse have been married, each will not be able to make essential medical and legal decisions without the documents. The Nursing Home, for example, would not accept Mark without having a Durable Power naming me his agent, signed by him, to give me the legal right to admit him. Access to bank accounts can also be a problem.

These are the necessary documents:

Durable Power of Attorney for Management of Property and Personal Affairs

Living Will
Designation of Health Care Surrogate
Five Wishes (the person’s detailed wishes related to care decisions, medical treatment, end of life care.)

Now, not later, is the best time to see an attorney, to do the work, draw up the documents. Now, not later, be practically, legally and emotionally prepared. “Later we will deal with it” I often hear from my friends. Yes, that is what I did. Do the work of compassion, not too late, during an emergency.

The time and money you spend for the documents on a competent Elder Law attorney, or finding a special needs service for an attorney is worth it. Attorneys fees for a court Guardianship and accounting for every cent to the Court, ongoing until legal release, will have cost Mark and myself more than $10,000. The time and stress has been like being in a kind of hell. The money and energy that could have gone to Mark’s care. Please, mine is a good example of what not to do. Please, get those documents.

Estate Planning & Elder Law: Common Legal Issues That Touch People Over 65

Have you ever wondered which is best, a Trust or a Will? Do you know what a durable POA is and why it is important? Is a Lady Bird Deed a good choice for you and your heirs? To answer these questions and more, plan to come hear Brittany E. Stewart, Esq. speak about “Estate Planning & Elder Law: Common Legal Issues That Touch People Over 65” on Saturday July 20.

Brittany is an Elder Law Attorney. She received her Juris Doctor from Stetson University College of Law with a Certificate of Concentration in Elder Law. While in law school, Brittany volunteered for the National Conference on Special Needs Planning and Special Needs Trusts, Wills for Warriors program and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. She also served as a legal intern for the 13th Judicial Circuit’s Probate, Guardianship, Trust and Mental Health Division. Currently she is a member of the Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar, the Young Lawyers Division of the Florida Bar, and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.

Ms. Stewart will be speaking on Saturday, July 20 at 3:00 pm at the Nature Coast Unitarian Universalists Fellowship, 7633 N Florida Ave, Citrus Springs, 34434. This is a free educational event and light refreshments will be served. For more information email [email protected] or call 352-465-4225.

Grounds Committee

Spring is here! Chas invites you to come rake, weed, mulch, prune, plant and help beautiful the church grounds. First Fridays of the month, starting March 1st, 10 AM – 12 noon.

Social Justice, Equal Justice Subgroup

2024 Elections/UUtheVote

Let us know what local election activities you are engaging in, such as registering or contacting voters, poll watching, being a precinct worker, support for amendment initiatives, etc. We will spread the word among NCUUers of ways to get involved. Contact Carole Goodwin, [email protected].
You can also share your information and find out what UU people are doing in Florida and around the country at

Visit the unique, historic African American Community of Royal, July 24, 11 a.m.

The Community of Royal, on the outskirts of Wildwood, was settled in 1865 by former slaves of a nearby plantation and is home today of their direct descendents. Over those many years it has endured threats of encroaching commercial and residential development as well as construction of I75 which ran right through Royal. These pressures continue with expanding development and major improvements planned for the Interstate. Royal was featured in a PBS documentary. We have been invited to visit the Royal Museum and hear from its director, Beverly Steele, about Royal’s past and present on July 24, beginning at 11a.m. We need a count of the number going, so please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule or contact Carole Goodwin or Bonnie Anderson ASAP. A voluntary donation of $10 is suggested. Car pooling will be arranged.

– Carole Goodman

Wildhart Photography

The photographs on the walls of the sanctuary can be purchased with 50% of the purchase price going to NCUU.

Talk to Gordon Hart if interested.

Please check out for more of Gordon’s photographs.

The same deal will be honored if someone from the congregation wants to order a photo from the website.

Website Section for Members Only

Are you a member who has a business or service? If you would like to share the information about your business or service to the Members Only section of the website, please write what you would like and let Connie or Amy know. Amy will add it.

– Connie Hart

Newsletter Deadline

Please Remember That The Deadline For Next Newsletter Is
July 23, 2024

Please Adhere To This Deadline; Otherwise, your material won’t be included in the newsletter.

All request entries should be sent to the email address [email protected]. That will make it easier to keep all requests organized in one place. I have been getting emails sent to several of my email accounts, and it makes it very difficult to organize the items to will be in the monthly issues. I can only guarantee that it will be in the issue, if it’s sent to this email address. Please send the proofread text and photo attachments. In addition, please keep your text to a maximum of three short paragraphs. If it is longer, we will edit to shorten the announcement.