Dr. Kyaien Conner
Celebrating African American History Month
Sunday February 4, 10:30 AM.
Dr. Kyaien Conner will help the Nature Coast Unitarian Universalists
celebrate African American History Month.
All are welcome to hear her delightful and informative talk and dance, accompanied by African drumming.
Dr. Conner is an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida, and also instructs dance at the University of Florida. She has taught and demonstrated African dance abroad and, in 2017, was named a Woman in Arts by the Tampa Arts Council.
NCUU is at 7633 No Florida Avenue, Citrus Springs (rte. 41) See ncuu.org, or call 352-465-4225 for more information.
Debbie Selsavage – Care-giving Workshop
Sunday February 4, 10:30 AM.
Debbie will be presenting a care-giving workshop.
What are “Alzheimer’s” and “dementia?”
What can you expect of this progressive disease?
How can you become a better care-giver?
How do you reduce your own stress?
What are some of the resources available to you?
Each participant will receive a handout packet.
R.S.V.P. Debbie Selsavage 352-422-3663 or e-mail [email protected]
January, 2018 Service Overview
Barry Pendry
Resolutions, why we make them and why we
break them
Laura Pedersen
Is God Watching?
Rev. Dr. Marni Harmony
Doing Theology From The Underside
Peter Freeman
The Worm at the Core
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ten NCUU members marched at this year’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade, proudly carrying our banner. It was a beautiful day, and our marching members reported having a very good time!
— Linda Myers
Our dear friend Harry Macleod passed away last Thursday
Wednesday, January 24 at 2PM.
There will be a memorial service for Harry at Robert’s Funeral Home on Pennsylvania Ave. (#484) in Dunnellon on Wednesday, January 24 at 2PM.There will be a gathering with refreshments after the service at the Nature Coast UU fellowship after the service.
If you wish to say a few words about Harry at the service, please contact Pam Ricker: [email protected] or 352-489-3545.
Thank you, Pam
December Service Overview
December 3, 2017
Rev. Brock Leach
Liberal Religion and Empowerment
December 10, 2017
Bob Benner
Getting to Know You
December 17, 2017
Dr. Tom Hibberd
Pagan Traditions of Christmas
December 24, 2017
Presented by NCUU members
Christmas Eve Service
December 31,2017
Rev. Kalen Fristad
Our Universalist Roots and Branches
Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year. It was decided by the Sunday Service Com. and approved by the congregation that we will not have a morning service on December 24, but rather, we will combine the Sunday service with our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight service at 7PM. We will have a sign-up sheet for those who do not drive at night so that a neighboring member of our congregation may drive you to church and take you home.
First Annual “Christmas Potluck”
Monday Dec. 25th Lunch at Noon
Just like Thanksgiving only different
There will be music, food, a gift swap and lots of fun
“Mingle time” will START @ 10:30 and continue until dinner
There will be music, beverages and treats for all
Be there for DINNER AT NOON
Ham & Lasagna (Regular & Veggie), will be provided by the Social Activities committee
Treats, sides and desserts will be Pot-Luck style.
There are 2 ways to sign up
1) Sign-up sheets will be at the NCUU
2) E-mail me at [email protected]
Put “Christmas potluck” in the subject line with your Name(s), # of Guests, and what you would like to bring
I will be looking for volunteers for set-up, clean-up, and one special person to be Santa’s elf.
November Service Overview
November 5, 2017
Judi Siegal
Todah: The Jewish Expression of Gratitude
November 12, 2017
Cliff Jackson
“Aden’s Introduction to Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
November 19, 2017
Barry Pendry
Into the Forest of Grief: Awakening in the Face of Impermanence
November 26, 2017
Rev. Sara Zimmerman
Into the Woods with Ralph Waldo Emerson: Sources of Unitarian Transcendentalism in His Journals and in His Essay “Nature”
Thanksgiving Potluck
Bill and Valerie Howat have graciously volunteered to spearhead the Thanksgiving Day Pot Luck. We will have a sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer for those who will attend and also, what each person will bring to the feast. If you have a guest or two, that is fine, but we need you to list the number of people you will bring so that Bill and Val will be able to prepare enough turkey and stuffing to accommodate the number of guests.
Our Potluck Dinners are held on the third Friday of each month. We hope to see you on Friday, Nov. 17. Please come at 11am, and the meal will start around 1pm.
Grounds & Gardens Day
The First Friday of every month is Grounds & Gardens Day at NCUU.
Do you like to work outside in the yard and garden? Whether weeding, trimming, planting,
raking, the NCUU Yard and Garden Crew always needs help. Please come Friday morning, Nov. 3rd.
Gordie Dinmore and Bree Hill are usually there by sun -up. (The rest of us usually are not.) We’re normally done by 10:30 — 11:00.
Humanists of North Central Florida
The Humanists of North Central Florida are hosting Herb Silverman author of, “An Atheist Stranger in a Strange Religious Land” at the Nature Coast Unitarian Universalist fellowship on Friday, November 13 at 7PM.
Herb is founder and president of the Secular Coalition for America, and author of, “Candidate Without a Prayer”. He is also Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the College of Charleston.
Ladies’ Luncheon
The NCUU November Ladies Luncheon will be Tuesday, November 28, (last Tuesday of the month).
Sign-up sheet, directions, and menu sheet are in the foyer. If you have any questions, contact Peg Gotz (527-4113) or Julie Macdonald (465-5646)
Sierra Club’s Legislative Training Workshop
Dunnellon Public Library
Saturday, Oct 21
More than 70 people attended the Sierra Club’s Legislative Training Workshop at Dunnellon Public Library Saturday, Oct 21. Co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Citrus County and the Social/Environmental Justice Committee of the Nature Coast Unitarian Universalists, the Workshop was to help voters better understand and communicate with elected officials at all levels. The event included a presentation on Florida’s governmental structure, Q and A with a panel that included mayors, a county commissioner, state senator, federal legislative aide, activist and a Sierra Club lobbyist. Pictured are Dunnellon Mayor Walter Green and Sierra Club Lobbyist Dave Cullen in one of the 6 breakout sessions and the plenary during presentation by League of Women Voters, Citrus County.