President’s Message


Friendship, Holidays, A Holy Alchemy.

Once upon a time chemists believed they could transform lead into gold or death into life. We laugh but are we not also in the business of alchemy?

The subtle magic of “church” combines love with justice, creates hope out of fear, transforms ill will into compassion.

Loneliness becomes connection, connection turns into friendship and community, pain into comfort and compassion, compassion to sharing mercy, anger into understanding.

“We pretend things are important, but things never are. It is people who are important. So little really matters in the long run. We live, we work, and we die, but for what? For the chance to allow some light to shine through into this dark world, to brighten the path for those we love.”

Source Unknown…

Here, at NCUU, we engage in a holy alchemy, finding beauty in the ordinary and life in the present. Come, let us be transformed Together.

Embrace the holidays,
Embrace your friends and family.
Embrace your neighbor,
For, We are all your neighbors.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to all!
Chas and Bonnie